Academic Certification

General Information:

The academic certification is an official document issued by the School administrative service where all student's academic data is certified according student's academic record.


You can ask for two different types of certifications:

  •  The official academic certification is an official document which certifies all the student's academic data, according student's academic record. When you ask for an official academic certification you should pay the fee set in the "Decret de preus " of Generalitat de Catalunya, for the current course.
  •  Academic record phases certificates are official documents which certify different phases of the student's academic record:
  - ECTS Certificate: a certificate in which the School proves which are the student's academic achievements from the initial point of his/her studies here. It certifies the grading scale at the European system.
  - Enrolment certificate: it shows the Student registered subjects at the current academic period. Available with electronic signature.
  - Completion of studies certificate: it certifies that the student has completed his/her studies, which grade and date.
  - Enrolment certificate. Other years: it shows the Student registered subjects at the academic period required.  
  - Other kinds of specific certifications.


How to make the academic certification request:


Personally-based request:


The person concerned should fill in the academic certification request and deliver it to SIAE.

If the request is done by an authorized person, that person should bring the authorization document with the original signature of the person concerned and an ID copy, from both concerned and authorized persons.


In case that you request the Official academic certification, the fee payment can be done by credit card or at any of UPC collaborating banks.

  • Payment with credit card at SIAE. Once the payment is done we will give you the fee payment receipt
  • You can pay by cash at any office of Banc Santander, “La Caixa” or la Caixa d'Enginyers, to bring the fee payment receipt it’s a must.
  • Payment on line by credit card through e-Secretaria

Once you’ve paid the fee and you’ve brought the payment receipt to SIAE, the procedure of the academic certification will start.



Intranet request:


ETSEIB students can do the request through e-Secretaria, with the  credencials d'accés a les Intranets de la UPC:

  • At the menu "Procedures" , choose the option "Certificate" and then go to "Academic record phases".
  • Select the certificate form that you wish to request.
  • Click at "Request".

If you wish to request an Official academic certification, the procedure you should follow is:

  • At the menu "Procedures", choose the option "Certificate" and then  "Academic".
  • Select the form "Personal academic certificate".
  • Choose “language" and "Payment method".
  • Do the fee payment from e-Secretaria.


The fee payment can be done from e-Secretaria

  • At the menu "Enrolment", choose option "Forms and payments".
  • Select at the last form of "Academic certification" and click the logo of the credit card or at "Línia Oberta" of "La Caixa".
  • Select one of the two options from the list and a screen will come up in which you can confirm the payment directly with the bank office.

Once the fee payment is done, it will start from SIAE the certification procedure.


Distance-based application:

In case you are living outside the country or it is not possible for you to come personally to SIAE, or can’t do the request through e-Secretaria either, you can do the request through post mail.

  • Please fill the  Academic certification request and send it by post to SIAE, including a current ID copy (in case of Spanish nationality people) or a passport copy (in case of foreign nationality people). The request must have the original signature of the person concerned (scanned signatures or copied ones are not valid).
  • Once the certification is issued and signed, SIAE will send you a certification directly to the address set at the request.
  • In case of an Official academic certification, once the request is received, SIAE will issue the fee payment and will send it to the person concerned by email.
  • You can pay the fee at any office of "La Caixa", Banc Santander or Caixa d'Enginyers.
  • Send the fee payment receipt by post mail or by online aplication at "".
  • Once we receive the payment receipt, SIAE will start the academic certification procedure.




Documents reception:


You must pick up the certification at SIAE. If you have done the payment, please bring the receipt and show us your ID.

  • In case that another person will pick up the certificate for you, that person have to bring the authorization document with the original signature and copy of the identity documents from the person concerned and from the one who pick up the certificate.


The certifications can be picked up after 4 business days of doing the request.

The specific certifications will be issued in approximately 10 business days.

During evaluation period and/or February or July enrolment period, these delivery documentation terms can be extended.

The requests done after July 15, will be issued from September 12 onwards.