Master's degree in Urban Mobility
In collaboration with ETSAB, ETSETB, ETSECCPB and FIB
- The mobility challenges generated by rapid urbanization, e-commerce activities providing door to door deliveries, as well as the urgent need for more sustainable transport systems require the creation and development of innovative urban mobility solutions for people and goods.
- Trends such as Mobility as a Service, Logistics as a Service, Sustainable City Logistics, Vehicle Sharing, Internet of Things, Micromobility, Smart Mobility and Mobility Platforms, are some of the developments that have the potential to radically reshape our urban systems and create more livable and safer cities.
- This programme takes a holistic approach to studying, designing, and implementing advanced mobility services by integrating technical expertise with innovative approaches and entrepreneurial skills so that graduates have the tools they need to implement new ideas to innovative urban logistic and mobility services to shape a more sustainable urban future.
- We are looking for candidates with a solid foundation in quantitative, technical and business and/or economics methods as demonstrated by a bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering. This is the reason because the Industrial Engineering school of Barcelona is involved in this programme.
- Click here to know more about this programme:
