Research assignment for exchange students

The workload of the Research assignment is 15 ECTS.


Topic & Supervisor

Before arriving at ETSEIB, students must:
Students and supervisors must have regular meetings to guide the elaboration process.


Types of projects

There are two different:

Type 1: at ETSEIB

  • Supervisor: professor
  • Public defence: not required
  • Delivery: at ETSEIB.

Type 2: in a company

  • Supervisor: external supervisor
  • Coordinator: professor
  • Public defence: not required
  • Delivery: at ETSEIB

  More detailed explanation:

  • Professor: Professor working at ETSEIB or at one department.
  • External supervisor: Professional not related to ETSEIB.
  • If the research project is performed in a company, the student must sign a framework document with the company: Contract of employment or Traineeship agreement (regulated by an Agreement on Educational Cooperation.



  • Students who have chosen a RA of the one's proposed in the Project and Job offers or have proposed an own RA, will have to do the register by the e-secretaria (Project-New project registration)
  • Before arrival students will receive a username and password to access in e-Secretaria
  • It is mandatory to fill the register (validated by the director or Rapporteur of the RA) before the enrolment of the RA.



  • Students must enrol the RA (15 ECTS) through e-Secretaria
    This enrolment can be done at regular enrolment periods.




Delivery and validation

  • The delivery of the RA is online. The digital repository facilitates the management to the users and allows the documental management in electronic support.
  • RA will be published in open-access form in the UPC Academic Works repository if the author authorises it and there are no associated confidentiality and/or industrial property issues.
  • Access to theses that are not published in open-access form in the UPC Academic Works repository will be guaranteed for research and study purposes, although protected parts and confidentiality periods will be respected.
  • It is compulsory that the students fill in and sign the corresponding authorization document (available on the MT Intranet) accepting or not accepting to publish his/her RA in UPC Commons, before upload the RA.
  • After that, the RA has to be uploaded on the MT intranet by the student in the corresponding period of RA calendar.
  • The delivery will be later validated by the director/supervisor.



  • A public defence in front of an academic committee is NOT required for the assessment of the RA.
  • The assessment will be carry out in front of the director of the project. It is not allowed to carry out the presentation from a distance.
  • International Office will send the transcript of records to the home University of the student.