Final Degree Project or Master's Thesis (MT)
The development of the MT is regulated by the current legislation and the academic regulations of the university and the School. The workload of the MT is 30 ECTS.
The School publishes the MT calendar every academic year with the deadlines for each step of the procedure.
The MT report must be done in accordance with the template that you have available at the website.
More information in the associated documentation and in the following procedure:
Topic of the MT
- Exchange students must look for a topic for the MT and a supervisor of the ETSEIB during the admission process before arrival. - Students can propose topics and contact the professor who will be the director. In the case the MT is developed in a company, it must be agreed with a professor of the Master's who will act as the rapporteur.
- Exchange students can carry out two modalities of MT:
- Modality A: MT carried out at the ETSEIB. It has to be supervised by a professor of the ETSEIB.
- With the topic chosen and the director or rapporteur assigned, the students must develop their MT taking into account that it must adjust to the Regulation which the ETSEIB will establish for the MT.
- Students will have to fill in the register with the topic, tittle, and the name of the supervisor by the e-secretaria (Project-New project registration).
- Before arrival students will receive a username and password to access in e-secretaria. - TIt is mandatory to fill the register of the MT before to enrol it.
- The register has to be validated by the director or Rapporteur of the MT at the e-secretaria. While the registration is not validated by the director / rapporteur, modifications can be made by the e-secretary. Once validated, any change must be notified by the director / rapporteur to the SIAE.
- Students must enrol the MT (30 ECTS) by e-secretaria in the enrolment periods.
Delivery and validation
- The delivery of the MT is online. The digital repository facilitates the management to the users and allows the documental management in electronic support.
- MT will be published in open-access form in the UPC Academic Works repository if the author authorises it and there are no associated confidentiality and/or industrial property issues.
- Access to theses that are not published in open-access form in the UPC Academic Works repository will be guaranteed for research and study purposes, although protected parts and confidentiality periods will be respected.
- It is compulsory that the students fill in and sign the corresponding authorization document (available on the MT Intranet) accepting or not accepting to publish his/her MT in UPC Commons, before upload the MT. - After that, students have to upload the MT in the MT intranet in the corresponding period of MT calendar. Once the period has finished, any deliver will not be admitted.
- The delivery will be later validated by the director/supervisor.
- The supervisor must complete the document of confidentiality on the MT Intranet.
- The designation of the tribunal is established for the vice-direction of the School responsible of the Master's thesis according to the regulations.
The SIAE informs of the nominations to the members of the tribunal through MT Intranet, and through e-secretaria or email to the students. A date, place and hour will be proposed for the president of the tribunal. If there will be some change in the date, the president will propose a new date and will inform to all members of the tribunal.
- Exposition by the student of a review of the content of the MT, which lasts for about 30 minutes (the time is fixed by the president of the tribunal and he/she will previously let it know).
- Defence by the student regarding to the questions the tribunal considers pertinent.
In the case of the MT was considered confidential, either by the student or by the director of the MT, the president of the tribunal must guarantee the conditions so that the confidentiality is respected, if it is considered appropriated.
The MT has to be defended in the host university following their regulations regarding to the direction and presentation. It is not allowed to carry out the presentation from a distance.
- Once the presentation and defence of the MT has finished, the tribunal must communicate the qualification in a public session, having listened to the director or rapporteur and having deliberated in a closed session, and offers to the student the possibility to improve his/her mark.
- Each member of the tribunal will evaluate the MT and the presentation and defence.
- If the MT is passed, the qualification is included in the academic record. The president delivers it to the SIAE.
- If the MT obtains a fail qualification the president returns the student or the SIAE with a written communication of the comments he/she considers appropriate. In this case the student can defence the same MT, corrected, the following semester, in the defence period corresponding.
- If the student does not present to defend the MT, it will be qualified with a NP (not presented).
