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International and national mobility programmes

1.- Erasmus + studies KA131

- Area: European Union + Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Turkey and Serbia. 
- Accreditation: at the end of this period, the university of origin recognizes academically the accomplished studies.
- Rules:
  • have a European Union nationality or a residence permit.
  • be an ordinary student of an official academic title of one of the universities which have signed the Erasmus+ University Letter.
  • it is only allowed to accomplish one stay abroad.
  • pass the first year of the home studies.

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3.- UPC - BarcelonaTech International

- Area:
Xina, Canada, EUA, Japan

The UPC can sign specific agreements on academic cooperation with institutions of other countries. The students of the ETSEIB can carry out exchanges with this institutions through specific bilateral agreements.

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UNITECH is an international organization that places engineering students form several top European universities with companies in the industry.

The program enables good students to complement their engineering studies by gaining academic, professional and personal experience at an international level.

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- Area: Europe and Latin America

The SMILE-Magalhaes net and the CINDA net want to develop a superior education joint space between Europe and Latin America.

The ETSEIB has specific agreements with several universities which allow the accomplishment of exchange periods with academic objectives.

The CINDA program has a specific request form and calendar.


4.- Erasmus+ studies KA171

- Area: countries not included in KA131

Adressed to bachelor, master and doctorate students.

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6.-  SICUE (Sistema de intercambio entre centros universitario españoles)

Area: Spain

SICUE is a mobility program thought for those students that want to carry out academic stays in other Spanish universities. By means of this program, students can study part of their degree in another autonomous community with the guarantee that there will be an academic recognition and that their curricular profile will be adequated.

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