
The ETSEIB combines a long tradition with the spirit of renewal and continuous improvement, which has become one of the best engineering schools in Spain and a university of international benchmark.

The School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona (ETSEIB) was created in 1851. In 1971 it merged with other schools of engineering and architecture to form the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).

The ETSEIB combines its long-standing tradition with its endeavours to bring about renewal and continuous improvement. This has made it one of the best schools of engineering in Spain and it enjoys an excellent reputation on the international stage.

The School has close ties with industry, the financial sector and local businesses, which it complements with its efforts to secure international outreach and recognition.

The research and technology and knowledge transfer activities that the School’s departments, research centres and groups carry out have made it a pioneer in many fields of science and technology. This in turn has favoured the ETSEIB’s extensive involvement with the industrial sector.


The School’s mission is to serve society through high-quality training, research and technology and knowledge transfer in the field of industrial engineering to the highest degree of academic excellence.

The ETSEIB produces engineers who have a solid scientific grounding, a broad, multidisciplinary approach to engineering and a good knowledge of finance and management. This profile enables our graduates to specialise in a wide range of industrial fields of activity, as well as to deal with and promote all kinds of technological changes.

The School’s training programmes, both full cycles (undergraduate degree + master’s degree) and master’s degrees, are based on scientific and technological rigour. They encourage students to adopt an entrepreneurial spirit and acquire leadership qualities, as well as to bring about development based on research and innovation. Students are therefore well prepared to follow career paths in multidisciplinary, international environments.
Furthermore, by studying at the School students complete their personal development through the acquisition of transferable capacities and skills, and they learn to take care on ethical, social and environmental commitments.

Some numerical data that give an idea of the current size of the school: a building with 47,000 m2 built, more than 3400 students, over 350 professors integrated in 15 departments and about 120 administrative and service staff.