Application for the Title and the European Supplement to the Title

General information

Once the studies have been passed and the necessary requirements have been met, the issuance of the corresponding official university degree and the European Degree Supplement (SET in Catalan) can be requested.


The European Degree Supplement (SET) is a document that provides information on the qualification obtained by describing its nature, level, context and content. The SET is issued in Catalan, Spanish and English and facilitates the academic and professional recognition of graduates in the European territory in order to facilitate their academic and professional mobility between universities and the labor markets of the respective countries.

Application for the SET: From the school year 2016-2017, the SET is requested together with the Degree Fee. Students graduated in Engineering studies before the 2016-2017 academic year, and who have already applied for the degree and want the SET, must make a separate SET application and pay the corresponding Fees.


How to request the Title and the SET:

As soon as you meet all the academic and financial requirements, your file will be closed and the title application process will be automatically activated in the left side menu of the e-Secretaria.


    • Applications for the official bachelor's and master's degree can be registered with the DNI, passport or NIE number.




Those persons who do not have access to the e-Secretaria, you can start the degree application process via Demana ETSEIB.