Collecting Degree Certificate or European Supplement to Degree Certificate (ESDC).
General Information:
When the SIAE has received an official degree certificate, the person concerned will be notified and told how to collect it. The notification will be sent to the e-mail address that the person concerned provided on his/her application. If this e-mail has changed, it must be updated in the e-Secretaria in the section [My details > Personal details > Change personal e-mail address].
It is only possible to collect a degree certificate if the person concerned has previously requested that one be issued.
How to collect the Degree Certificate or ESDC:
Steps to take
The person concerned must collect his/her degree certificate from the SIAE during office hours. If the document must be collected by someone other than the person concerned, that person must present an authorisation of a power of attorney (original or certified copy ).
Before your degree certificate is handed over, the recipient will have to sign the official record book and a document confirming receipt of the degree.
- Valid national identity card (DNI) or passport (in the case of foreign students)
- Provisional degree certificate
You may pick up your degree certificate any time after receiving the e-mail notification from the SIAE. The document will be kept at the ETSEIB until you come in to collect it.
People who are living outside Barcelona province can request for Degree Certificate delivery at official dependencies as delegation or government subdelegation, and embassies o Spanish consulates abroad.
- By postal mail: please fulfill the reception request of the degree certificate at official dependencies and send it by postal mail at SIAE, together with the indicated documentation at the section "Forms". It is mandatory that the request brings the original signature of the person concerned (scanned or copied signatures are not valid).
- Via the e-Secretaria. Submit an application in the section [Degree certificate > Sending of degree certificate].
- When the SIAE has received the application to pick up your degree certificate at a government office and proof of payment of the corresponding fee, your degree certificate or DS will be sent to the government office indicated on your application.