
DOP. Earth Rover: professional challenges in a robotics start-up

5è "Dijous d'Orientació Professional" a l'ETSEIB del curs. El 3 de març a les 12 h, no us podeu perdre aquesta nova activitat virtual a càrrec de EARTH ROVER.


03/03/2022 des de 12:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)



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Per inscriure't a l'activitat escriu a  indicant que vols participar en el DOP del 3 de març.

  • Títol: "Earth Rover: professional challenges in a robotics start-up"
  • Data i hora: Dijous 3 de març a les 12 h
  • Format: Activitat on-line
  • At Earth Rover we develop AI & Robotics for a more efficient and sustainable farming. We are developing CLAWS, an autonomous scouting and weeding rover, based on novel proprietary technology. Our R&D activities cover areas such as computer vision, AI, sensor fusion, autonomous navigation, robot mission planning, parallel robotics, optoelectronics, advanced control, edge computing, 3D point cloud processing and mechanical engineering.
  • With offices in Catalonia and England, we have created an exciting startup culture where we offer to young engineers the opportunity to play a critical role in building and scaling a disruptive technology for agriculture, being part of an enthusiastic, international, and motivated team of professionals who are committed to building unique technologies, being rigorous, and finding novel solutions to interesting problems. We are developing several projects in cooperation with ESA (European Space Agency) and are members of the NVIDIA Inception and AWS Activate programs.

  • In this seminar we will explain what we are developing and how it is like to work with us. If you are up to the challenge, you will have the opportunity to remain at Earth Rover after your internship.



Per inscriure't a l'activitat escriu a  indicant que vols participar en el DOP del 3 de març.

Els "Dijous d'Orientació Professional" a l'ETSEIB

Un dijous al mes i dintre de la franja cultural, es convida a una empresa, entitat externa o persona concreta, la qual es consideri que pel seu àmbit de desenvolupament o la seva expertesa o la seva trajectòria professional, pot aportar a l'estudiantat coneixements valuosos sobre el món laboral que es puguin guiar en la seva orientació professional.

Sessions de cursos anteriors