
EMINE seminar: Nuclear safety challenges in war scenarios. The case of the Zaporizhzhia NPP in Ukraine

El dilluns, 6 de maig, a l'Aula 28.8 de l'ETSEIB es farà el seminari/seminari en línia "Reptes de seguretat nuclear en escenaris de guerra. El cas de la central nuclear de Zaporizhzhia a Ucraïna" a càrrec del Dr. Alejandro Zurita. Activitat oberta a tothom organitzada en el marc del Màster Europeu en Energia Nuclear (EMINE).


06/05/2024 des de 18:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)


Room 28.8 ETSEIB

Nom de contacte

Afegiu l'esdeveniment al calendari


Save the date

European Master in Nuclear Energy (EMINE) Organises an open event:

  • Seminar/webinar: "Nuclear safety challenges in war scenarios. The case of the Zaporizhzhia NPP in Ukraine"
  • By Dr. Alejandro Zurita
    Former Head of International Nuclear Research Cooperation 2008-2016
    European Atomic Energy  Community (Euratom)
  • When: Monday, May 6th 2024. 18:00
    (the conference plus Q&A will end before 19:30)
  • Where: Room 28.8 ETSEIB (direction hall, first floor).
    Av. Diagonal, 647, 08028 Barcelona
  • Link for streaming:
  • Seats are limited: if you plan to attend on-site, please reserve your seat by sending an email to
  • For additional information: Check this article.