
Oportunitats a la Universitat de Roma Tor Vergata: el Grup de Recerca d'Energia Sostenible i Neta (SCERG)

El seminari a càrrec del Dr. Vincenzo Mulone, està especialment pensat per a estudiants, de Grau i Màster.


06/02/2025 des de 12:15 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)


Sala de Conferències 28.8 - ETSEIB

Afegiu l'esdeveniment al calendari


El dijous 6 de febrer a les 12.15 hores a la sala de conferències (Aula 28.8) es realitzarà el seminari "Opportunities at the University of Rome Tor Vergata: the Sustainable and Clean Energy Research Group (SCERG)".

Ponent: Vincenzo Mulone. Doctor i professor a la Universitat de Roma Tor Vergata en el camp de la conversió d'energia.

Opportunities at the University of Rome Tor Vergata: the Sustainable and Clean Energy Research Group (SCERG)

Summary: Research activities currently ongoing at the University of Rome Tor Vergata will be described. First a general description of the main topics carried out at the Deparment of Industrial Engineering will be given, to focus then on themes recently covered by the Sustainable and Clean Energy Research Group (SCERG) at the University of Rome Tor Vergata

The topics range from the energy conversion from biomass, to the smart control of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems for the deployment of the Distributed Generation concepts, down to the design and the controlof of Fuel Cells for optimal integration in such systems.

The seminar is especially conceived for students, at the Bachelor and MSc. level, who to understand the opportunities available at the University of Rome Tor Vergata through Erasmus and Placement programs, including thesis, lab and modeling experiences, or courses to be taken.

Dr. Vincenzo Mulone is Professor at the University of Rome Tor Vergata in the field of energy conversion.
His research activities deal with design and control of components and systems, to lower carbon emissions by increasing renewable energy penetration.

The technologies mainly interesting, and tested in lab, are hybrid power systems, including hydrogen technologies such as fuel cells and storage, batteries, and biomass thermochemical and biochemical reactors.
Dr Mulone is co-author of more than 180 journal papers and conference proceedings.

Seminari Rome Tor Vergata