Talk "Composite structures for distribution lines" from Professor Robert Zemčík
Next May 24th 13:00 (Room LS5 ETSEIB) we will have the talk "Composite structures for distribution lines" from Professor Robert Zemčík, from Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic.
- Talk "Composite structures for distribution lines" from Professor Robert Zemčík
- 2023-05-24T13:00:00+02:00
- 2023-05-24T23:59:59+02:00
- Next May 24th 13:00 (Room LS5 ETSEIB) we will have the talk "Composite structures for distribution lines" from Professor Robert Zemčík, from Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic.
24/05/2023 des de 13:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)
Afegiu l'esdeveniment al calendari
- El proper 24 de maig a les 13:00 (Sala LS5 ETSEIB) tindrem la xerrada "Estructures compostes per a línies de distribució" del professor Robert Zemčík, del Departament d'Enginyeria Mecànica, Facultat de Ciències Aplicades, Universitat de Bohèmia Occidental, Pilsen, República Txeca.
- Abstract: The results of two research projects (EKOM – Composite Insulating Constructions in Electrical Engineering and NAPREKON – Braidded Composite Construction in Electrical Engineering) will be presented. Two types of electrically insulating composite structures were developed during the solution of the projects – a pultruded horizontal profile and a braided vertical conical tube. They were then used in the novel hybrid composite-steel design of a cross-arm for medium-voltage overhead distribution power lines with three conductors. The main goal was to achieve substantial weight savings compared to a common steel cross-arm with three ceramic insulators widely used in the Czech Republic. The hybrid cross-arm is conceived to insulate electrical current in the default configuration thanks to the properties of the glass fiber reinforced composite materials, yet additional insulating elements can be used to further increase the electrical insulation distance. The materials and components used for the construction are chosen by combining finite element simulations of mechanical and electrical behavior with experimental testing and verification of important characteristics on selected substructures. The final design of the cross-arm is then manufactured and subjected to long-term testing in real-life environmental conditions. The achieved reduction of weight exceeds 50 % while maintaining the mechanical rigidity and strength of the steel solution as well as the required insulation properties.