External Internships
General Information
General Information (in catalan) about External Internships.
General procedure (in catalan) for External Internships.
Requirement's summary table (in catalan) for external internships at ETSEIB's programmes.
General criteria:
- Minimum remuneration:
- 9€/hour - For DEGREE study agreements.
- 10€/hour - For MASTER study agreements.
Modification approved by the school CAAQ for 2024-2025 academic year.
- Maximum hours that you can do daily as a general rule:
- 4 o 5 hours/day - curricular /extracurricular internships and Final Studies Project (TFE).
- Excepcions:
- Curricular internships without enrolled subjects: maximum 8 hours/day.
- Curricular internships + TFE without enrolled subjects: maximum 8 hours/day.
- Extracurricular internships from 1st of July to 15th of September: maximum 8 hours/day.
- Proposed agreement dates: When determining the agreement starting date, you must have into account that it has to be at least 15 days from the moment that the company selects you. Agreement dates can be modified by the centre, depending on the time used by the people involved in drawing up the agreement (company, tutors, students and university). It is not possible to start an internship without the signed agreement.
Academic Calendar 2024-2025:
- Curricular Internships:
- Request: from September 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.
- Start date of agreements: from September 16, 2024, on.
- End date of agreements: until September 15, 2025 or until the closure date of the academic record.
- Curricular internships are not authorised from July 1 and September 15.
- Extracurricular Internships:
- Request: from September 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.
- Q1. Start and end date of agreements: from September 16, 2024 to February 15, 2025 (or until the closure date of the academic record if it is before).
- Q2. Start and end date of agreements: from February 16, to September 15, 2025 (or until the closure date of the academic record if it is before).
- Closure of the Job Offer Platform: from July 1, until August 31, 2025.
Types of External Internship

Established as academic activities that are part of the academic curriculum. They have the same consideration as any other subject at university.
They have the same training purposes as curricular internships but are not part of the curriculum or academic record, although they will be incorporated into the European Diploma Supplement. They have to be directly related with the academic curriculum. The minimum duration cannot be less than 180 hours.
Final Studies Project (TFE)
The TFE can be developed within the framework of external internships. The training project for the internship and the project for the final project must coincide. The internships will be considered curricular and will be supervised by the director of the TFE.
Take a look at the TFE in B Modality (in catalan).
Curricular + TFE
Agreement that includes the curricular internships and the TFE in the framework of an external internship.
Other type of internships
Internships within the UPC (in catalan) |
International Internships (in catalan) |
Internships Job Offer Platform
Access the Internships Job Offer Platform where the companies publish the internship offers.
Register and update your profile. Find out the internship modality you want to do, and search, among the published offers, those that fit your personal interests to submit your application.
If you find an internship outside the Interships Job Site, the company must also register the offer in the Internships Job Offer.
Handbook (in catalan) for students about the Internships Job Offer.
Handbook (in catalan) for companies about the Internships Job Offer.
Validation of Educational Cooperation Agreement Data
Once the company selects you, the system automatically registers the data related to the agreement in you e-Secretaria, where you will have to access to validate the registered data and/or provide new data in the “Internships” section:
- Company tutor
- Type of internship
- NAF (“Seguridad Social” affiliation number)
- Schedule and place of the internship
- Number of hours
- Company order number (if needed)
- Observations
Once data has been completed, application must be sent to the centre in order to pass from “registrat” (registered) to “provisional “(provisional).
Once it is in “provisional” status, the SIAE will check the information, assign an academic tutor and validate the agreement.
Handbook (in catalan) for students to manage the internship in the e-Secretaria.
Training Project
Once the company tutor is informed, the system sends an email so that, through the company internships portal, propose the training project.
Handbook (in catalan) for the company tutor.
Once the UPC tutor validates the Training Project, the agreement can start the signature circuit.
Handbook (in catalan) for the UPC tutor.
Signature of the Educational Cooperation Agreement
First, the legal representative of the host institution will sign the agreement sent by email, and must return it, digitally signed, through the same channel.
Student, you will sign it later, through Portafirmes, using the number of your UPC card or one of the other recognized digital certificates.
Finally, and also through the Portafirmes, it will be the ETSEIB's director who will proceed with the signature.
All parts are informed and receive a copy of the agreement signed by all of them via email.
IMPORTANT - When the Educational cooperation agreements is signed by all parts is when the internship can start, never before.
Internship Enrollment
If you have chosen Curricular modality, TFE (Final Studies Project) or Curricular + TFE, we will generate a proposed enrollment plan so that you can enroll for the corresponding credits on the assigned enrollment day.
IMPORTANT - If the enrollment period has passed, or you have registered for a subject or TFE, we will modify your official enrollment from the SIAE by adding the credits corresponding to the internships.
If you have chosen Extracurricular modality, the recognition will go directly to the SET (European Supplement to the Degree) once the practices have been evaluated.
Internship Evaluation 
The company’s welcome registration, the initial interview with the UPC tutor, the monitoring and evaluation of the internship is carried out in the new Seguiment i Avaluació de CCE application.
Acces for Company Tutors.
Handbook and Vídeo for Company Tutors.
Acces for UPC Tutors.
Video for UPC Tutors.
These are the steps to follow:
- Welcome Registration - The company tutor must fill in the registration (and the student has to validate it) during the first week of the internship by answering positively to:
- Registration of the student at the Spanish social security.
- Company's health and safety aspects have been explained.
- If personal protective equipment is required and provided.
- The company's health and safety documentation has been provided (by email, welcome meeting, a handbook, link to the company's website where the information is collected, etc.).
- If a negative answer is given to any of the questions, it is understood that the conditions to begin the internship are not met and the Educational Cooperation Agreement will be cancelled.
- Initial interview (only curricular internship) by the UPC tutor.
- Monitoring by the UPC tutor.
- Final evaluation questionnaire of the company.
- Final evaluation questionnaire of the student.
- Final report submission of the internship.
- Oral presentation (only curriculars) and academic evaluation.
Once the evaluation is done, the recognition will be entered in your academic file and will be closed if they are the last credits of the degree.
Educational Cooperation Agreements end when the internship end date is reached or when the academic file is closed and your association with the UPC ends.
In the event of renouncing a curricular internship, these will be evaluated as Not Presented or Failed and the ECTS corresponding to a new Educational Cooperation Agreement will be paid again. The operation is similar to the enrollment and evaluation of any subject.
Cancellation or modification form: CAT / ESP / ENG
Authorisation form for one-off visits outside the company: CAT
International Interships documents:
- Training Agreement - UPC-EMPRESA (NO ERASMUS)
Check the regulations (in catalan) on External Academic Internships.
SIAE contact information.