
Seminari "Kinematics and kinetics assessment of multi-segment spinal column"

Seminari a càrrec de Hossein Rouhani (Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta) amb el títol "Kinematics and kinetics assessment of multi-segment spinal column: Estimation and compensation of motion capture errors" que es farà el dilluns 29 d'abril a l'Aula CREB (4.13). Organitza BIOMEC-CREB.

  • Seminari "Kinematics and kinetics assessment of multi-segment spinal column"
  • 2019-04-29T15:00:00+02:00
  • 2019-04-29T16:00:00+02:00
  • Seminari a càrrec de Hossein Rouhani (Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta) amb el títol "Kinematics and kinetics assessment of multi-segment spinal column: Estimation and compensation of motion capture errors" que es farà el dilluns 29 d'abril a l'Aula CREB (4.13). Organitza BIOMEC-CREB.

29/04/2019 de 15:00 a 16:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)


Aula CREB (4.13), 4th floor

Afegiu l'esdeveniment al calendari


In-vivo measurement and interpretation of inter-vertebral angles and moments are important for clinical evaluations and developing injury prevention and rehabilitation strategies. Motion assessment of the human spinal column using linked-segment models can enable estimation of inter-vertebral angles and moments. However, the application of conventionally used multi-body dynamics measurement and analysis approaches for multi-segment spinal column is prone to experimental errors because of inaccuracies in (i) kinematic measurements associated with soft tissue artifacts and (ii) estimating individual-specific body segment parameters. This seminar proposes modeling approaches to estimate the propagation of these experimental errors into the calculated inter-vertebral angles and moments, and presents the inter-vertebral angles and moments during multi-directional trunk bending after compensate for these errors.