Previous information
See related information and the steps to perform the exchange:
In order to perform an exchange program at the ETSEIB, there must be a bilateral agreement within the ETSEIB and your home university.
Different mobility programmes:
- ERASMUS + K131
- ERASMUS + K171
- SMILE-Magalhaes
- UPC-Canadá
- UPC-China
- UPC-Mundo
- Bilateral agreement
The length of the exchange depends on the modality:
- One semester
- Full academic year(two semesters)
- Double degree
Academic workload
Academic workload must be between 15 ECTS and 30 ECTS per semester. It can consist of:
- Courses
- Final Degree Project or Master's Thesis*
- Research assignment for exchange students*
* May be performed within the collaboration framework University-Company. Check further information in the
- EU students. Students with a nationality from the European Union (or Norway or Switzerland) need to have the European Health Card and an additional private insurance that covers for your stay and that includes health assistance, accident, repatriation and civil responsibility.
- Non EU-students. Need to have the private insurance that includes health assistance, accident, repatriation, civil responsibility.