
Alumni Experiences: How to job-hunt

Are you looking for an internship or a job? Join us for this event where some Alumni will let us know about their job-hunting experiences and give us some tips to be successful. Aula Capella.


24/05/2017 de 19:00 a 21:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)


Aula Capella, ETSEIB

Afegiu l'esdeveniment al calendari


Here you will have the chance to hear different motivating stories and ask all those doubts you have when applying for a job. These are the Alumni that will come:

  • Álvaro studied the Clean Fossil and Alternative Fuels Energy MSc in Poland and Portugal. While he was in Portugal he and his team won the EDP Energy Challenge and had the chance to develop his master thesis also at EDP. He came to Barcelona, his hometown, to work for an electricity supplier company.

  • Farah she studied in Barcelona and Stockholm the SELECT MSc and she took her master thesis at Enervalis in Belgium. Before this, she had some experience in UK, Lebanon, and the USA, where she was a research assistant at the MIT. Currently, she is working for Estabanell Energia as an Innovation Assistant.

  • Maxim was a SENSE student who studied at KTH and UPC. After his second-year at UPC, he decided to stay in Barcelona and he has been working at EY since he finished his master studies.