
Multithreading in Python. Seminari de Recerca per a Ph.D. i estudiants de màster

El 24 d'abril a partir de les 10 a l'Aula LS5, es farà el Seminari de Recerca per a Ph.D. i estudiants de màster sobre Multithreading in Python, a càrrec de Christian Madritsch.


24/04/2023 de 10:00 a 19:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)


Aula LS5

Nom de contacte

Afegiu l'esdeveniment al calendari


Introduction to Multithreading/Multiprocessing Programming in Python

  • Content:
    This lecture begins with basics about Multitasking, Multiprocessing, and Multithreading. Advanced concepts like using OpenMP and MPI are also discussed and demonstrated. Next, various Synchronisation mechanisms, like Events, Mutex, and Semaphore, are explained.

    The main part of this lecture goes into the details of Multithreading in Python using practical examples and exercises.

    The students will work together with the lecturer using their own laptop computers. Please install the forehand Anaconda/Jupyter Notebook.
  • 24/04/2023 Aula LS5/ETSEIB:
    10h-14h: Practical session with PC (bring your own device)
    15h-19h: Discussion and personal interview with the Guest Lecturer
  • Please sign up:

CV of the Guest Lecturer Christian Madritsch

Carinthia University of Applied Sciences; Villach, Austria; Professor of Computer Science and Real-Time Systems. Research focuses on applied informatics in image and signal processing, distributed dependable real-time systems, and automotive bus systems. Teaching focuses on computer science, embedded software, DSP applications, bus systems, and real-time systems.