
Seminari INTE. The reSEARCH of Our Future: 'Hydrogen production from ammonia in catalytic wall reactors'

Després de l'èxit dels Seminaris de l'Energia i de 'Dones Atòmiques', l'Institut de Tècniques Energètiques organitza 'The reSEARCH of Our Future'


22/10/2021 des de 12:30 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)


EEBE - Virtual

Afegiu l'esdeveniment al calendari


  • This week seminars cycle will continue with Ilaria Lucentini (
  • On Friday, 22nd of October Ilaria will present the results of the research she carried out at the NEMEN group on: 'Hydrogen production from ammonia in catalytic wall reactors' in the mark of her PhD project.
  • The language of the seminar will be in Spanish. 
  • The talk will be presented at the EEBE and remotely at the Virtual Room:
  • The seminar will take place every two Fridays at 12.30 pm.