
Seminari "Task and Information Driven Modelling of Mechanical Systems”

Seminari a càrrec de József Kövecses i Albert Peiret amb el títol Task and Information Driven Modelling of Mechanical Systems que es farà el divendres 7 de juny a l'Aula CREB (4.13). Organitza BIOMEC-CREB


07/06/2019 des de 10:30 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)


Aula CREB (4.13), 4th floor

Afegiu l'esdeveniment al calendari


New technologies require modelling approaches that provide interfacing possibilities to various model representations. In this work we present a modelling and analysis approach to provide insight into the behaviour of various types of mechanical systems and make the integration of different model representations possible. This starts from the broader interpretation of some main concepts of mechanical modelling, and leads to the possibility to establish task-driven models that can incorporate information about the physical behaviour of the system in various ways. We illustrate the material with several examples of different tasks that involves both physical systems in robotics and simulation-based virtual environments.