
Comunication of Academic data for third party

General information:

In compliance with current legislation to allow the communication of academic information to third parties, companies or public institutions, the concerned person has to consent the communication of his academic information, on paper in a specifically and unequivocally way. Otherwise, UPC will not give any data.

The receiving organization can only use the information for the reason specified in the authorization.



Who can make the request

  • People who has studied any course in the ETSEIB.


How to make the request

The academic data use agreement can be done in person, online or by post.

Request in person:

  • Give the academic data use agreement to the SIAE office in the ETSEIB, in their customer service hours.
  • If the request is done by an authorized person, (he must) deliver the authorization to third parties with the original signature of the concerned person and the photocopy of the current DNI, both of the interested person and the authorized person.

Request online:

  • The students of the ETSEIB can do the request by the e-secretaria, with the UPC access credentials:

    • In the “procedures” menu, choose the option “Other procedures
    • Complete the form specifying, as a minimum, the following information:

    • Push the button “Submit”.
  • La persona autoritzada ha de presentar al SIAE, en horari d'atenció a l'usuari, la fotocòpia del DNI vigent, tant de la persona interessada com de l'autoritzada juntament amb la referència del codi de sol.licitud de la e-Secretaria de l'autorització (podeu consultar el codi de sol.licitud en l'apartat de l'e-Secretaria "Tràmits > Llistat de tràmits".

Request by post:

In case the student lives abroad or the student is unable to contact the SIAE, in their customer service hours, neither do the request online by the e-secretaria, he can do it by post or courier.

  • Complete the academic data use agreement and sent it by post to the SIAE in the ETSEIB, with a photocopy of the current ID card or passport. It is imperativec that the request contains the original signature of the concerned person as it appears in the id document (scanned or photocopied signatures are not allowed).


When to do the request

During the academic year.




From the SIAE we will communicate the requested data to the person, company or authorized institution, through the online service DemanaUPC / ETSEIB.